Monday, September 12, 2011

Your Card for the Day--> The Lovers

Gah, readers. What's going on? So far all your cards for the day have been Cups cards and now you've drawn the Lovers not once but twice. This card is from the Gothic Tarot by Leilah Wendell. She photographed headstones from cemeteries around the world to create this tarot.

Advice for the Day: Cups have to do with the heart, emotions, and the psyche, among other things. The Lovers card has to do with Big Love (not the HBO show, but soupy, sloppy, big throbbing heart love). The Lovers also means there is a choice before you, but with all these Cups cards you've been getting lately, my bet is on the more emotional interpretation. So, listen to your heart, make the big gestures, and be awesome to one another.

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