Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mo' Money, Mo' Money

Especially these days, questions about money rank high in the tarot card readings I do for people, second only to the subject of love. Will I get that job? Will this business be successful? Can you sort out my inheritance? There are as many questions about money as there are people who ask them. I will tell you up front: Tarot can answer these questions. Be warned--you will most likely get an examination of your attitude toward money and prosperity as well. This is one of the things I love about the tarot. You may think you are asking the most mundane or unspiritual question ever, but the cards will often bring it back around to your soul’s work.

So here is a reading I did for a woman who has been unemployed for some time due to a layoff . I used the very beautiful and inspiring Robin Wood Tarot.

Despite her best efforts, she hasn’t been able to find a job. Today’s job market is an employer’s dream. So many people apply for each job that the employer can be extremely picky. She so far hasn’t been picked. Instead she is looking to her strengths. Can she build her own business? How can she make money doing something she loves to do? She has two avenues she would like to pursue. One is a consulting job. The other is selling high-end crafts. For her reading, I shuffled the cards and laid out a pile for the consulting job, a pile for the craft job, and a pile for something else. It’s possible that there is another job possibility on the horizon, so this pile serves as a “wild” card.

Let’s start with the Something Else pile, the third one. This exactly mirrors the job situation in the current economy. Not enough of them. Looks like we need to concentrate on the first two ideas.

Pile #1 is the consulting job. The first card, the Tower, is always an attention getter. This card means either the idea has a false foundation or she is going to get the rug pulled out from under her. Justice and the Emperor point to potential legal problems and fines. Is there some legal issue surrounding this option? Yes, she answers. Until those can get resolved, this option is not the preferred one.

Pile #2 is the handmade crafts option. Looking at all three options, this one immediately seems the best. The 3 of Cups signifies celebration and good times. The Magician points to the creativity involved with this option, also to the idea that she can create the job exactly as she wants. The 4 of Wands indicates harvest and harmony. Not only is this option the best of the three, but it is a strong direction for her to take. Looking at her three options, this one is definitely the one she should pursue.

She likes the first option and isn’t ready to give up the idea, so we did a second reading on the consulting job. If she works out the legal issues, will this career path be lucrative?

It is very obvious that this particular line of work has been a dream of hers (7 of Cups). It is something she has fantasized about doing for awhile, and is true to her idea of who she is (Ace of Swords). The word of warning with this particular cups card is that she will need to get a clearer focus to make her dream a reality. There are too many ideas. Pick one. She’s got to refine her focus and create some concrete goals. The Knight of Pentacles is good here. He represents laying a careful foundation. This knight is cautious but dependable. AND he points the way to riches, as seen in the 10 of Pentacles. This card is often called the Wall Street card, and bodes well for money matters. It is also a card about ancestry, and the client tells me that the business she is considering has family ties—an ancestor ran a similar business.

To wrap up, I advised the client to explore both options. The crafts option appeared to be more fun and creative—and the least hassle. The consulting option, once the legal issues were cleared up, could be a good fit as well.  It, however, would require a slow and steady buildup before money could be made.

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