Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to Tarot by Yvonne!

Hello friends! Welcome to my blog. I had planned to wax poetic about tarot in this first post, but instead I'm going to ask the tarot what we need to know about this blog launch. As I shuffled, the Queen of Pentacles jumped out of the deck. I read these jumpers as undercurrents to my readings. The Queen of Pents heralds a time when intuition and reason work together beautifully. Through this blog I hope we can experience the spiritual energies of tarot and bring them through our lives in a tangible way.

A quickie three-card spread using the Universal Waite deck gave me the following cards.

Temperance is a card of alchemy--blending energies, creating new things, channeling cosmic energies, and finding balance between opposites. Tarot helps us do all that.

Next is the 4 of Wands. This is a card of celebration. I love the tarot. Every reading to me is a reason to celebrate because it has the potential to change reality. Every card is its own revelation. When we put them all together, we create a statement that has the power to change lives. I hope we have a fantastic time doing it here.

Finally, the King of Pentacles is the embodiment of success and accomplishment. He has his feet planted firmly on the ground. He is the epitome of balance--and truely, tarot helps us come to balance and wholeness. Isn't it interesting that we are looking at both the King and Queen of Pentacles in this reading? Male/female. Again with the blending of opposites--the alchemical marriage of intellect and soul.

Can tarot do all that? Yes! It helps us access the deep undercurrents of our soul. It uncovers our hidden motivations and reveals the paths that are open and clear before us. I have heard the tarot called the Poor Man's Therapy and I agree wholeheartedly. If we meditate on the messages we receive, we can find balance and purpose in our lives.

Well, look at that. I've waxed poetic about tarot after all. Through this blog, I hope to talk about the tarot, what it means and how it works. I want to tell you some life-altering stories of readings I've given (names changed to protect the innocent). I want to share the little insights that come through a life with the cards. I hope that you'll come back often and share this journey with me.

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